
Mediastinal Mass Biospy

A mediastinal mass 3mm of aorta and trachea, posted for biopsy.

Challenge : A 20mm mass, 3mm of aorta and trachea needs precise plan through intercostal space.

Procedure : A mass 3mm of aorta, targeted with targeting device through intercostals space without traumatizing aorta and trachea.

Target Depth : 87mm

Target Size : 20mm

Distance from Aorta: 3mm


Lung Mass Biopsy

A mass in right lung posted for biopsy.

Challenge : Precise trajectory plan needed to reach the lung mass through intercostal space.

Procedure : Biopsy and FNAC done for a lung mass with targeting device in a single pass.

Target Depth : 66mm

Orbital Angle : 27.34°


Mediastinal Biopsy

A patient with mediastinal mass, 3mm of aorta and trachea planned for biopsy

Challenge : Needs posterior approach to reach deep seated mediastinal mass. Overshoot of the needle may traumatize critical blood vessel.

Procedure : FNAC and biopsy done with targeting device for the deep seated mediastinal mass.

Target Depth : 108mm

Distance from Aorta : 3mm


Biopsy of Para Vertebral Lung Mass

A patient with paravertebral lung mass,posted for biopsy

Challenge : Need precise plan through narrow space between rib & vertebra

Procedure : A paravertebral lung mass targeted with targeting device through intercostal without involving lung parenchyma.

Target Depth : 68mm

Orbital Angle : 16.5°


Biopsy of Lower Lobe Lung Mass

A patient with lung mass right lower lobe,planned for core biopsy

Challenge : Since the mass very close to diaphragm, it was moving up and down with respiration. Precise orbital angle needed to avoid lung tissue.

Procedure : Core biopsy of lung mass close to diaphragm performed with targeting device using medspira interactive breath-hold system to synchronize with breath hold.

Target Depth : 62mm

Orbital Angle : 25.84°


Subcentimeter Lung Nodule FNAC

7mm nodule in left lung posted for FNAC

Challenge : Need a precise angle and depth to target 7mm lung nodule.

Procedure : A small 7mm lung lesion targeted with targeting device and FNAC done through intercostal space

Target Depth : 65mm

Target Size : 7mm


Solitary Pulmonary Nodule FNAC

Solitary pulmonary nodule in the right upper lobe, posted for FNAC

Challenge : The nodule surrounded by ribs and scapula. Precise cranio-caudal and orbital angle needed to reach the target.

Procedure : A 12 mm of mass targeted with targeting device through intercostal space with 3D angle (cranio-caudal and orbital).


FNAC of Lung Nodule

FNAC was planned for a 7mm nodule in medial segment of the right middle lobe

Challenge : Targeting a nodule, 3mm of aorta and 6mm of right bronchus needs precise trrajectory.

Procedure : A lung nodule between right bronchus and aorta targeted with targeting device through intercostal space without traumatizing vital structures.

Target Depth : 91mm

Distance from Right Bronchus: 6mm

Distance from Aorta : 3mm


Mediastinal Mass FNAC

A mediastinal mass at subcarinal space, posted for FNAC

Challenge : Precise orbital angle and accurate depth required to reach the mass at subcarinal space, needle over shoot may injure critical blood vessels.

Procedure : A mediastinal mass, 2mm of right bronchus and pulmonary vessels targeted with targeting device through intercostal space without traumatizing pulmonary vessels and right bronchus.

Target Depth : 109mm

Target Size : 5x6mm

Distance from Right Bronchus : 2mm

Orbital Angle : 27.9°


Pelvic Mass Biopsy

A mass in pelvic region, posted for biopsy

Challenge : Precise plan needed with orbital angle between iliac bone and bowel loops.

Procedure : A pelvic mass attached to iliac bone targeted with targeting device without traumatizing pelvic organs.

Target Depth : 87mm

Orbital Angle : 18.79°


Inguinal Lymph Node Biopsy

A lymph node in inguinal region, posted for biopsy

Challenge : Precise plan needed to reach 10mm lymph node, 2mm of femoral artery.

Procedure : A lymph node targeted with targeting device without traumatizing femoral artery.

Target Depth : 53mm

Target Size : 10mm


Vertebral Abscess Drainage

Vertebral body abscess posted for drainage

Challenge : Reaching vertebral body through pedicle needs precise cranial and medial angulations (3D angulation).

Procedure : Vertebral abscess successfully drained through pedicle with 3D angulations by single pass.

Target Depth : 97mm

CC Angle : 10.56°

Orbital Angle : 16.57°